To jest poduszka / That is a pillow
Ledwie sie dzisiaj z wyrka podnioslam. Cialo krzyczalo “panna
– lezec!”. A panna na to “nie ma mowy, ja twardziel jestem!”. Muzeum sztuki –
cudne, tylko jak na zlosc – zamkneli na dzien otwarty (w sensie za darmo
wszystkie muzea tu we srode sa, co oznacza – panna musiala zobaczyc) wystawe
Warhola. Nie zebym nie widziala juz wczesniej dziel jego, no ale jednak – panna
do muzeum, a muzeum nic?! Pod gorke robi?
Wolny czlowiek/Free man
Po Muzeum Sztuki przeszlam tuz obok, do Muzeum Kosmosu.
Zabawek duzo, mozna wciskac guziczki I takie rozne sie ruszaja, gadaja,
edukuja, ze hej! Ale pod koniec to juz mialam ochote sie sama w kosmos
wystrzelic, bo coz… Prawa stopa zieje jak otwarta rana. Skora platami odchodzi –
podryw na masaz stopek odpada… I spac mi siechcialo tak, ze cala ta edukacja
gdzies mi bokiem umykala. Wrocilam do hostelu, wszamalam ciasteczko, zimna kawe
z puszki wysdudlilam, chociaz zimno mi bylo okrutnie i bliska placzu, ale
ruszylam dalej. Zabrania sie marnowac czas w Hong Kongu!
Do… Muzeum Nauki, ktore byloby dobre, ale tak ze dwadziescia
lat wczesniej – tu to dopiero zabawek bylo, ale niestety na wzrost chinski,
lamane przez chinski dzieciecy… Przerosniete Polki, stop szesc wzrostu sie tu
po prostu nie mieszcza…
Kuracja dla oboloalych stop (bez skarpetek bylo za zimno)/ Treatment for hurting feet (without socks it was too cold)
Na koniec zaliczylam Muzeum Historii, jak na zlosc ulozone
jak labirynt, zeby przypadkiem turysta niczego nie pominal i na pewno wszystko
zwiedzil. Przebieglam je jak blyskawica, bo juz mi sie Dynastia Ming mieszala z
japonska okupacja…
Mialam pojsc na uliczne zarelko chinskie, ale indyjskie
przekaski na parterze wygraly. Postanowilam przynajmniej zjesc przy stoliku jak
czlowiek. A stoliczek maly, chociaz sam sie nakrywa (rekami pana zza baru). A
przy stoliczku juz dwie blade twarze siedza i sie milo usmiechaja. To ja
grzecznie “smacznego”. A oni “witaj”. To ja “skad jestescie?”
Chinskie sci-fi / Chinese sci-fi
Widze wahanie na
twarzach, patrze na dredy, kolczyki, zagubione spojrzenia i dodaje “tak ogolnie
– skad pochodzicie”? No I sie zaczyna… “Zewszad. Bo my juz nie pamietamy skad
przyszlismy. A dokad ty zmierzasz w zyciu, jakie sa twoje intencje i czy aby na
pewno te dania tutaj to sa zgodne z Ayurveda?” Nie mam nic przeciwko diecie,
“Zmierzam do lozka, moja intencja jest porzadnie sie wyspac,
a potem sie zastanowie.”
Myslalam, ze udusze. Czy naprawde tylko ja trafiam na takich
nawiedzonych ludzi, kiedy probuje zjesc najtanszy posilek w miescie w
najblizszej mozliwej do mojego lozka lokalizacji?! Ale pozostaje MISTRZEM ZEN.
Ide spac!
I could hardly get up from bed today. My body was screaming “girl
– lie down!” And the girl answered “no way, I’m the though one!” Museum of Art
was very nice but as if they wanted to piss me off – the main exhibition of
Andy Warhol was closed on the open day (which basically means that all the
entrances were free which leads to the conclusion that I had to see it all). Of
course I saw his works before but still – a girl goes to the museum and museum
does what? Troubles?
After the Museum of Art I just passed the pavement to get
into the Museum of Science. So many toys, colorful buttons and talking things
and moving and educating you as hell! But in the end I was ready to launch
myself into space cause well… My right foot is like an open wound. The skin is
falling off – impossible to pick up a guy on a foot massage anymore. And I was
so sleepy that the whole education was missing me somehow. I got back to the
hostel, had a cake with cold coffee from the can although I was cold enough
already and close to burst into tears I moved on. After all one must not waste
time in Hong Kong!
To robilo wrazenie, kiedy mialam 14 lat i zwiedzalam Muzeum Nauki w Bostonie/That made an impression when I was fourteen and was visiting the Museum of Science in Boston
At the end I went to the Museum of History shaped as a labyrinth
so that the tourist would not miss anything and visit every single show room. I
run trough it like a thunder because the Ming Dynasty was
I was supposed to get
some Chinese street food but Indian
stuff downstairs won the competition. I decided to have my food over the table
like a human being. And the table was tinny tiny. And at the table there were
already two white nice smiling faces. So I politely said “Bon Apetite”. And they
said hello. And I asked where they were from.
Przecieli Ole/They cut Ola
And I saw the deep thinking
process at their faces and had a glance at their faces – so lost and their
dreadlocks and piercings so I added “like originally”. And there it started… “From
everywhere. It’s been so long ago that we do not even remember where we started.
And where are you going in life? What are your intentions for this existence?
And are you sure that this food is good according to Ayurveda?!” I have nothing
against their diet but…
“I am heading to my bed. My intentions are to get a good
night sleep and then I might wonder.”
I was ready to kill. Is it only me who bumps into freaks
when I’m just trying to get the cheap meal in the closest neighborhood? But I remain
the MASTER OF ZEN. I’m going to sleep!
Prawie chinska opera / Almost Chinese Opera
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