Dzisiaj bedzie krociutko, bo wszyscy juz spia, jest pozno i nie powinnam przeszkadzac. Zaczne od tego, ze mieszkam w Chungking Mansions. I nie przesadze, jesli powiem, ze przywiodl mnie tu "Chungking Express" Wong Kar Waia. Jestem tu przez filmy i dla filmow. I adres hostelu wybralam nieprzypadkowo.
Poszlam dzis do kina. Na film "Cold War". Akcja rzecz jasna miala miejsce w Hong Kongu. I byli tam wszyscy: Tony Leung Ka Fai (szkoda, ze nie Chiu Wai, to jednak nie ta sama jakosc), Andy Lau i ponaciagany Michael Wong. I wysadzili w powietrze kino, w ktorym siedzialam (no dobra, nie dokladnie to, bo to, ktore wysadzili w filmie mialo grac "Cold War" dopiero jutro, ale tak lepiej brzmi, prawda?). I pokazywali wszystkie budynki, ktore mam na zdjeciach. Probowali z tego zrobic nowe "Infernal affairs", co sie nie do konca udalo (to pewnie przez nie tego Tony'ego Leunga), ale... Akcja sie rozgrywala w Hong Kongu! I wiecie, co bylo najlepsze? Jak wyszlam z kina - nadal bylam w Hong Kongu! A nawet w Mong Kok!
Today post will be short because everybody is slipping, it's late and I shall not disturb. I will start with the fact that I live in Chungking Mansions. And I will not exaggerate if I say that what brought me here was "Chungking Express" by Wong Kar Wai. I am here because of movies and for movies. And the adress of my hostel I chose intentionally.
I made it to the movies today. On the "Cold War". Action takes place naturally in Hong Kong. And everyone was there: Tony Leung Ka Fai (unfortunately not Chiu Wai - and it's not the same quality), Andy Lau and old Michael Wong. And they blew the cinema in which I was sitting (OK, not exactly the same cinema, because then one they blew in "Cold War" will be playing "Cold War" tomorrow but it doest sound better,doesn't it?). And they were showing all the buildings which I have on my pictures. And they were trying to make it into new "Infernal Affairs" and they did not really manage (probably because of wrong Tony Leung) but... The action took place in Hong Kong! And you know what was the best? When I left the cinema - I was still in Hong Kong! And even in Mong Kok!
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