wtorek, 19 lutego 2013
Raisefieber spowodowal, ze znowu siedze w hostelu, choc mam jeszcze godzine do wyjscia na autobus na lotnisko... Ale coz, wole sie nie spoznic...
Poszlam oczywiscie do ksiegarni. I co? Stoje, czytam grzebiety ksiazek, ogladam kiczowate okladki. Mialam sobie kupic jakis kryminal, gruby i z duza iloscia literek, ale juz trzymalam w rekach O'Briena i Virginie Woolf, ale coz - szukam dalej. I oto jest: Hunter S. Thompson "Fear and Loathing on Campaing Trail'72". Rece mi wilgotnieja, w ustach zasycha - orgazm bez stosunku. I wszystko za marne 6,99 euro. Za takie pieniadze zadna dziwka nie chcialaby nawet ze mna gadac, bez wzgledu na plec... A tu prosze - taka radosc...
Sprzedawca - starszy pan w okularach w malych, drucianych oprawkach tez sie cieszy: "chyba dorwalas ostatni egzepmlarz!"
- A nie, na polce widzialam jeszcze kilka.
- Niemozliwe, zeby stary, dobry Thompson jeszcze nie zszedl. Swiat sie konczy.
Potem pyta sie skad jestem i mowi po polsku "czesc", po czym pokazuje zdjecie papieza (rzecz jasna JP II). I mowi:
- Wroc stary, potrzebujemy cie tu!
I ciagnie o tym, ze ten aktualny to za stary byl juz w momencie, jak go wybrali, i ze konserwatywny i w ogole to wszystko bez sensu. I ze przeciez potrzebujemy zmian, wzajemnego zrozumienia i kobiet kaplanow (sic!). Jest tak sympatyczny, ze chowam moj ateizm do kieszeni i po prostu mu przytakuje - z usmiechem na twarzy -dla dobra konwersacji. Sprzedawca jeszcze dodaje, ze Polak mial charyzme, ze przeciez obalil Zwiazek Radziecki i ze to wszystko "bez jednej wystrzelonej kuli" i jaki to z niego byl madrala - ze dal Walesie pieniadze, zeby Jaruzelskiemu (w jego wydaniu brzmi to jak "dżaruzelski) przytarl nosa (wykonuje gest ukrecania nosa)... To mile ze w kraju, gdzie Polski slyszy sie na ulicy bodaj czesciej niz jakikolwiek inny jezyk (nie mowiac juz o angielskim, ktory chyba jest w zaniku i stosuje sie go tylko na styku kultur, zeby jakis sie dogadac...) mozna spotkac kogos, kto tak cieplo wypowiada sie o Polakach i polskiej historii (prawie) wspolczesnej i jeszcze wie sporo. Wychodze z bananem na twarzy.
A teraz - cos zabawnego... Gdyby w tej chwili ktos zadal mi pytanie "i co ty w tym Dublinie widzialas?" to bylabym jedynie w stanie odpowiedziec "eeee.... no Dublin... nie?" ("partykula pytajaca "nie" na koncu zdania jest absolutnie konieczna, aby wzmocnic prawidlowy efekt jelopa). W przewodniku obejrzalam tylko zdjecia, na mape spojrzalam moze ze trzy razy, szlam tam, gdzie mnie nogi poniosly. Bez planu, bez ladu i bez skladu. Na szczescie Dublin jest tak maly i przejrzysty, ze nie sposob sie wnim zgubic i jesli dobrze sie czlowiek rozglada, to zapewne zadnych turystycznych atrakcji nie pominie, nawet jesli spaceruje wylacznie bocznymi uliczkami.
Dopiero w domu pewnie, przy przegladaniu zdjec (ciekawe ile natrzaskalam tym razem - zazwyczaj ludzie z kilkudniowej wycieczki przywoza ich ze czterysta, ja tyle potrafie nastukac w ciagu jednego dnia), bede musiala sprawdzic, gdzie ja wlasciwie bylam i co widzialam. I co ewentualnie przegapilam...
P.S. Post opublikowany z ponad 24-godzinnym opoznieniem - nie zdazylam go przetlumaczyc.
Reisefieber made me get back to hostel quickly – though I still have an hour before I shall leave for the bus and go to the airport. But well… I guess I can’t really get late…
And naturally – I did make it to the bookshop. And what? I stand there, reading titles, watching all those kitsch covers. I was supposed to buy some fat crime story with a lot of letters but instead I was already holding a book by Patrick O’Brien and the other by Virginia Woolf. I’m still searching. And then I see: Hunter S. Thompson "Fear and Loathing on Campaing Trail'72". My hands get wet and throat gets sore – an orgasm without intercourse. And all that for some meaningless 6,99 euros. For such money no whore would even open her mouth for me no matter the sex. And here – all this happiness, like for free…
The bookseller – an elderly guy in tiny glasses is also happy ‘I think u got the last one!’
- O no, I saw quite a few more pieces on the shelf.
- Impossible – the old good mate Thompson ain’t sold out yet? The world is about to end.
Then he asks me about my country. ‘Poland, huh? Czesc’ and he points a picture of the pope (John Paul II naturally) and says ‘Come back mate, we need you here!’
And he continues about the current pope – that he was too old at the moment of the election, that he is too conservative and that it all doesn’t make any sense. And that we need changes and female priests (sic!). He is so amazingly nice and talkative that I do not even dare to mention my atheism – just for the sake of conversation. The bookseller adds that the Pole had the charisma and he put the Soviet Union into pieces ‘without one bullet shot’ and how smart he was to give the money to Wałęsa so that he could get read of Jaruzelski (he makes a gesture of twisting off the nose)… It’s nice to hear that in the country where you here Polish in the streets more often than any other language (not even to mention English which seems to be completely unused except for the places where different nationalities meet and need to communicate somehow…). It’s nice to meet someone who speaks of us in such warm words and knows Polish history so well… I’m walking out with a huge smile on my face.
An now – something funny... If at the very moment someone asked me ‘what the hell did you see in Dublin?’I would be only able to say ‘well… hmmm… Dublin, no?’ (the ‘no’ with a question mark is necessary to force the idiot effect). In the guide book I only watched pictures and I took a look at the map maybe three times. I was just going wherever my legs took me – without a plan. Luckily Dublin is so small and clear that it’s impossible to get lost and if one looks around carefully – he will not miss any major points. Even if you only take narrow streets to omit the crowd.
Probably no earlier than at home when I will be watching my pics (I wonder how many of them I took this time – normally people bring like 400 pics from the trips that lasts weeks and I can take that many one day) will I realize where I actually was and what it was that I saw. And what I eventually missed…
P.S. This post is published with over 24 ours delay - I had no time for translation.
poniedziałek, 18 lutego 2013
Kaftan bezpieczenstwa/Straight jacket
Kaftan bezpieczenstwa zalozcie mi! Bo tu w kazdej ksiegarni sa wyprzedaze, afisze na pol okna wystawowego "caly asortyment musi zostac sprzedany", ksiazki po piec euro, a przeciez wiadomo, jak droga jest literatura po angielsku w Polsce... Aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
Jesli nikt mnie nie powstrzyma, to zrobie cos glupiego - wydam cala kase, przegloduje kolejny miesiac, przekrocze limit wagowy bagazu, ale po prostu... Aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Dobrze, ze sprawdzilam dzis z rana bilet powrotny, bo lot mam dwie godziny wczesniej niz sadzilam, a zatem - ide uprawiac swe szalenstwo na ulicach Dublina, puszczac kase (niestety nie "sie") i potem grzecznie do domku, do pracy...
Ech... Nie lubie, nie lubie wracac, harda reka kolatac do wrot...
Put a straight jacket on me! Because in every bookshop in this city there is a sale, an huge boards are saying "all the stock must go", books cost five euros and evevryobdy knows how exepnsive the English literature is in Poland... Aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
If nobody stops me I am going to do something silly - I will spend all my money, I will starve a whole next month, I will exceed the waight limit of my luggage but, simply.... Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
It's good that I have checked my ticket this morning because it occured that my flight is two hours earlier than I thought so - I am now going to cultivate my insanity on the streets of Dublin and spend my money and then... I will politely come back home, to my work...
Awhhhhh... I do not like, i do not like coming back, knocking on the door with my tough hand...
Jesli nikt mnie nie powstrzyma, to zrobie cos glupiego - wydam cala kase, przegloduje kolejny miesiac, przekrocze limit wagowy bagazu, ale po prostu... Aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Dobrze, ze sprawdzilam dzis z rana bilet powrotny, bo lot mam dwie godziny wczesniej niz sadzilam, a zatem - ide uprawiac swe szalenstwo na ulicach Dublina, puszczac kase (niestety nie "sie") i potem grzecznie do domku, do pracy...
Ech... Nie lubie, nie lubie wracac, harda reka kolatac do wrot...
Put a straight jacket on me! Because in every bookshop in this city there is a sale, an huge boards are saying "all the stock must go", books cost five euros and evevryobdy knows how exepnsive the English literature is in Poland... Aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
If nobody stops me I am going to do something silly - I will spend all my money, I will starve a whole next month, I will exceed the waight limit of my luggage but, simply.... Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
It's good that I have checked my ticket this morning because it occured that my flight is two hours earlier than I thought so - I am now going to cultivate my insanity on the streets of Dublin and spend my money and then... I will politely come back home, to my work...
Awhhhhh... I do not like, i do not like coming back, knocking on the door with my tough hand...
niedziela, 17 lutego 2013
Swiatlo do opisania/A light to be described
Poczekacie jeszcze na zdjecia - nie bede mojej kochanej dzidzi podpinac do obcego komputera, bo jeszcze jej krzywde zrobi... Nie i juz! Ale moge Wam powiedziec, ze poki co mialam niezwykle szczescie do swiatla i powinno z tego wyjsc kilka calkiem znosnych zdjec. Kupilam tez wreszcie przejsciowke (kto by myslal o takich pierdolach wyjezdzajac...) i aparat mam naladowany i gotowy do dalszej akcji. Tylko ta szarosc za oknem dzisiejszego poranka ciut odstrasza...
Podjelam decyzje - Dublin nie jest brzydki. Oczywiscie, gdy wychodzi sie ze strefy czysto turystycznej, to kroluje monotonia, cegla i niska zabudowa, a nawet scisle centrum jest wieczorami niedoswietlone i estetycznie nie do konca wykorzystane, ale mimo wszystko przyjemnie sie to oglada. Przyjemnie sie tu wloczy.
Dzis wybieram sie w okolice portu i dostalam cudnego maila od Mamy (nie obrazisz sie, ze zacytuje, prawda?!): "Port to nie miejsce dla dziewczynek! :D Wiem ile portow widzialas juz w zyciu... i pewnie bardziej niebezpiecznych i egzotycznych.Wasze pasje i tak pociagaja za soba wzrost moich wydatkow na farbe do wlosow :D"
Ze to nie miejsce dla dziewczynek, dano mi wyraznie do zrozumienia, kiedy szukalam pracy... Ale o tym mam zamiar pisac w nowym blogu, ktory - obiecuje - powstanie do konca miesiaca. Nie boj nic Mamus - ja nawet tu jestem duza, a jak zsune kaptur na czolo, to wszyscy sadza, ze jestem facetem... Taka juz dola kobiet o wzroscie top modelek, ale bez figury wskazujacej na zaburzenia anorektyczne...
Jedyne, czego mi tu brakuje, to "ludziow", jak mawia moj ulubiony lekarz (ach to polaczenie zlosliwosci, ironii i sarkazmu - kolana miekna, a ciuchy zaczynaja ciazyc, az sprawiaja wrazenie zupelnie zbednych... No i sie rozmarzylam o wielkich meskich dloniach i innych... hmmm... rozmiarach...). To nie Chunking Mansions, gdzie przestrzen byla tak malenka, ze wrecz zmuszala do interakcji. Tu pokoj jest oblrzymi, a polowe zajmuja rozwrzeszczane francuskie nastolatki (zasnelam w srodku ich imprezy - to sie nazywa miec zdrowy sen!), poza tym jest tylko jedna Amerykanka, ktora odpowiada na dzien dobry, ale juz usmiechu nie odwzajemnia i Azjata, ktorego widuje tylko spiacego. We wspolnych pomieszczeniach najczesciej tez slychac francuski i wszyscy sa skupieni na sobie - jakos tak sztywno, rzeklabym...
A propos Azjatow - poszlam wczoraj do tej knajpy z Hong Kongiem w nazwie. Zamowilam kurczaka po syczuansku, bo tego jeszcze nie mialam okazji sprobowac, a czytalam, ze kuchnia tego regionu wypala gardlo... Czyje wypala... Moj romans z chilli jest najwyrazniej zbyt plomienny dla podniebienia przecietnego zjadacza chleba, bo to dobre, ale ledwie pikantne bylo. Za to pokazalam kelnerce moja koszulke z napisem Hong Kong. Mine miala niewyrazna, kiedy powiedzialam "musze ci cos pokazac" i zaczelam rozpinac sweter... Ale jak zobaczyla T-shirt, to sie cala rozpromienila. Pogadalysmy troche o HK i na moje rozmarzone westchenienia zareagowala pytaniem "to planujesz wyjsc za mezczyzne z HK?" I bardzo powaznie dodala "bo tam bywaja wysocy mezczyzni..."
Coz - ruszam w Dublin szukac meza!
You will have to wait for the pictures - I will not connect my baby to the strange computer, I will not risk any harm.... I will not! But I can tell you that I had a lot of luck with the light and I shall have quite a few nice pics. I bought an adapter (who would have thought about such an unimportant stuff before the travel...) so my camera is fully charged now and ready for action. Just the greyness outside the window this morning is not really welcoming....
I made up my mind - Dublin is not ugly. Naturally - when you exit the purely turistic zone - it becomes quite dull, low and full of bricked buildings and even the center itself is underexposured and estheticaly unused but it's still nice to watch. It's really nice to wander around.
Today I plan to go around the harbour and I got an awesome e-mail from my mom (I hope she doesn't mind me quoting it): "A harbour is not a place for girls! I know how many ports you have already seen in your life... Probably more dangerous and exotic. Your passions make me just spend more on the hair colour :D"
Yes I've been clealry informed about the fact that a port is not a place for girls when I was looking for a job... But that's a topic to be described in my new blog - which I promise - will start this month. Still - do not be afraid my dear Mom - I'm tall even here and when I put a hood on my forehead I can be taken for a guy. That's what happenes to the girls tall as top models but wihtout an anorectic figure...
The only thing I miss in here are the "peoples" as my favourite doctor says (ahhh - this combination of malice, irony and sarcasm - make my knees go weak and my clothes definately unnecessary... And so I started dreaming about huge male hands and other... hmmm... sizes...). It is not Chungking Mansions where the space was so small that it actually forced an interaction. Here the room is huge and half of it is taken by French, loud teenagers (I managed to fall asleep in the middle of their party - that is what I call a healthy sleep!), and the rest is just one American chick who responds to hello but not to the smile and an Asian guy who I only saw in his sleep. In the common space one also mostly hears French and people are concerned only about themselves - the atmoshpere is quite stiff I shall say...
A propos Asian guys - I went yesterday to this Hong Kong Restaurant. I ordered a Szechuan Chicken cause I have never tried it before and I've read that it's supposed to burn your mouth.... Well... Whose mouth was burned... My love affair with chilli seems to be far too hot for a regular person because for me the food was nice but roughly spicy... And I showed the waitress my HK T-shirt. She looked a bit puzzeled when I said "I need to show you something" and started to open my sweater... But then she saw the T-shirt and she brightened up immediately. We talked a bit about HK and her reaction to my happy memories was 'so, do you plan to marry a guy from Hong Kong?' and then she seriously addeed 'cause you know - some of them happen to be tall as well...'
Well... So I go to wander around Dublin and find myself a husband!
Podjelam decyzje - Dublin nie jest brzydki. Oczywiscie, gdy wychodzi sie ze strefy czysto turystycznej, to kroluje monotonia, cegla i niska zabudowa, a nawet scisle centrum jest wieczorami niedoswietlone i estetycznie nie do konca wykorzystane, ale mimo wszystko przyjemnie sie to oglada. Przyjemnie sie tu wloczy.
Dzis wybieram sie w okolice portu i dostalam cudnego maila od Mamy (nie obrazisz sie, ze zacytuje, prawda?!): "Port to nie miejsce dla dziewczynek! :D Wiem ile portow widzialas juz w zyciu... i pewnie bardziej niebezpiecznych i egzotycznych.Wasze pasje i tak pociagaja za soba wzrost moich wydatkow na farbe do wlosow :D"
Ze to nie miejsce dla dziewczynek, dano mi wyraznie do zrozumienia, kiedy szukalam pracy... Ale o tym mam zamiar pisac w nowym blogu, ktory - obiecuje - powstanie do konca miesiaca. Nie boj nic Mamus - ja nawet tu jestem duza, a jak zsune kaptur na czolo, to wszyscy sadza, ze jestem facetem... Taka juz dola kobiet o wzroscie top modelek, ale bez figury wskazujacej na zaburzenia anorektyczne...
Jedyne, czego mi tu brakuje, to "ludziow", jak mawia moj ulubiony lekarz (ach to polaczenie zlosliwosci, ironii i sarkazmu - kolana miekna, a ciuchy zaczynaja ciazyc, az sprawiaja wrazenie zupelnie zbednych... No i sie rozmarzylam o wielkich meskich dloniach i innych... hmmm... rozmiarach...). To nie Chunking Mansions, gdzie przestrzen byla tak malenka, ze wrecz zmuszala do interakcji. Tu pokoj jest oblrzymi, a polowe zajmuja rozwrzeszczane francuskie nastolatki (zasnelam w srodku ich imprezy - to sie nazywa miec zdrowy sen!), poza tym jest tylko jedna Amerykanka, ktora odpowiada na dzien dobry, ale juz usmiechu nie odwzajemnia i Azjata, ktorego widuje tylko spiacego. We wspolnych pomieszczeniach najczesciej tez slychac francuski i wszyscy sa skupieni na sobie - jakos tak sztywno, rzeklabym...
A propos Azjatow - poszlam wczoraj do tej knajpy z Hong Kongiem w nazwie. Zamowilam kurczaka po syczuansku, bo tego jeszcze nie mialam okazji sprobowac, a czytalam, ze kuchnia tego regionu wypala gardlo... Czyje wypala... Moj romans z chilli jest najwyrazniej zbyt plomienny dla podniebienia przecietnego zjadacza chleba, bo to dobre, ale ledwie pikantne bylo. Za to pokazalam kelnerce moja koszulke z napisem Hong Kong. Mine miala niewyrazna, kiedy powiedzialam "musze ci cos pokazac" i zaczelam rozpinac sweter... Ale jak zobaczyla T-shirt, to sie cala rozpromienila. Pogadalysmy troche o HK i na moje rozmarzone westchenienia zareagowala pytaniem "to planujesz wyjsc za mezczyzne z HK?" I bardzo powaznie dodala "bo tam bywaja wysocy mezczyzni..."
Coz - ruszam w Dublin szukac meza!
You will have to wait for the pictures - I will not connect my baby to the strange computer, I will not risk any harm.... I will not! But I can tell you that I had a lot of luck with the light and I shall have quite a few nice pics. I bought an adapter (who would have thought about such an unimportant stuff before the travel...) so my camera is fully charged now and ready for action. Just the greyness outside the window this morning is not really welcoming....
I made up my mind - Dublin is not ugly. Naturally - when you exit the purely turistic zone - it becomes quite dull, low and full of bricked buildings and even the center itself is underexposured and estheticaly unused but it's still nice to watch. It's really nice to wander around.
Today I plan to go around the harbour and I got an awesome e-mail from my mom (I hope she doesn't mind me quoting it): "A harbour is not a place for girls! I know how many ports you have already seen in your life... Probably more dangerous and exotic. Your passions make me just spend more on the hair colour :D"
Yes I've been clealry informed about the fact that a port is not a place for girls when I was looking for a job... But that's a topic to be described in my new blog - which I promise - will start this month. Still - do not be afraid my dear Mom - I'm tall even here and when I put a hood on my forehead I can be taken for a guy. That's what happenes to the girls tall as top models but wihtout an anorectic figure...
The only thing I miss in here are the "peoples" as my favourite doctor says (ahhh - this combination of malice, irony and sarcasm - make my knees go weak and my clothes definately unnecessary... And so I started dreaming about huge male hands and other... hmmm... sizes...). It is not Chungking Mansions where the space was so small that it actually forced an interaction. Here the room is huge and half of it is taken by French, loud teenagers (I managed to fall asleep in the middle of their party - that is what I call a healthy sleep!), and the rest is just one American chick who responds to hello but not to the smile and an Asian guy who I only saw in his sleep. In the common space one also mostly hears French and people are concerned only about themselves - the atmoshpere is quite stiff I shall say...
A propos Asian guys - I went yesterday to this Hong Kong Restaurant. I ordered a Szechuan Chicken cause I have never tried it before and I've read that it's supposed to burn your mouth.... Well... Whose mouth was burned... My love affair with chilli seems to be far too hot for a regular person because for me the food was nice but roughly spicy... And I showed the waitress my HK T-shirt. She looked a bit puzzeled when I said "I need to show you something" and started to open my sweater... But then she saw the T-shirt and she brightened up immediately. We talked a bit about HK and her reaction to my happy memories was 'so, do you plan to marry a guy from Hong Kong?' and then she seriously addeed 'cause you know - some of them happen to be tall as well...'
Well... So I go to wander around Dublin and find myself a husband!
sobota, 16 lutego 2013
Po prostu Irlandia/Just Ireland
Nie bralam ze soba komputera, poniewaz... Poniewaz mialam nie pisac, nie czytac, nie kontaktowac sie ze swiatem. Ale widac lubie jak facebook irytuje mnie swoimi podejrzeniami, ze ja to nie ja i pyta mnie z jakiej wlasciwie racji zalogowalam sie "z nieznanej lokalizacji"... No dobra, jeszcze mnie tu wczesniej nie bylo, ale od kiedy to "Dublin" jest "nieznana lokalizacja"? No od kiedy ja sie pytam...
Kiedy prosilam Najlepsza Szefowa Pod Sloncem drzacym glosem o urlop (troche tak jakos nijako mi bylo prosic o mozliwosc wyjazdu, skoro dopiero wrocilam po trzech miesiacach w Azji...) to tylko powiedziala "ale dziecko, Dublin jest brzydki". Nie wiem... Jeszcze nie wyrobilam sobie na ten temat opinii. Poki co nie narzekam na nic poza zimnem. Okna w hostelu sa drewniane, olbrzymie i nieszczelne. Pod prysznicem jedna reka trzeba caly czas przyciskac guziczek od wody, zeby zechciala czleka uraczyc swym strumieniem dalekim jednak od goraca. Moze dlatego niemieckie panienki w lazience rano patrzyly na mnie jak na wariatke - ze oto dwa razy na dobe zamarzam tylko po to, zeby obmyc dupke...
Be_bronze ma szczescie musze Wam powiedziec. Na chybil trafil wybralam najtanszy hostel na stronie, z ktorej zawsze korzystam i... trafilam do chinskiej dzielnicy - zapewne dlatego na rogu jest "SKLEP SPOZYWCZY Assorti" z polskim zarciem... Ale reszta ulicy pachnie jak okolice Night Market w Hong Kongu. Wczoraj obiad jadlam w chinskim take away, a dzis podejrzewam, ze rusze odkrywac lokalne przysmaki w hong-konskiej knajpie niedaleko.
Ha! Przestalo padac, widac nawet troche slonca za oknem... Chyba pojde pozwiedzac... :D
I did not take a computer with me because... Because I was not supposed to wrtie, read or contact the world. But ovciously I am loving it when facebook is irritating me with it's suspicions that I am not myself and asks me why the hell I did login from an "unknown localisation"... Well, right - I have never been here before but still - since when I ask, "Dublin" is an "uknown localisation"? Since when - I ask again...
When I asked the Best Boss in the Universe for the vacations with my voice trembling (I felt kind of unsecure asking for another leave just right after I got back from three months trip to Asia...) she jus said "but my child, Dublin is ugly". I don't know. I have no opinion on that matter yet. So far I cannot complain for any other reason than cold. Windows in the hostel are wooden, huge and far from tight. While standing under the shower one needs to press the water button all the time to prevent the water from not flowing. And the water is also far - from being hot. Maybe that is the reason why German chicks in the bathroom this morning were looking at me like if I was some kind of a freak - because for the second time during one day I risked freezing to death just in order to wash my ass...
Be_bronze is lucky I have to tell you. On a chance I chose the cheapest hostel on the website I always use and... I landed in the middle of a Chineese district - with a Polish grocery shop in the corner... And the rest of the street smells like the surroundings of the Night Market in Hong Kong. Yesterday I had a dinner at the Chineese take away and today I guess I will discover local flavours in the Hong Kong bar just around the corner.
Oh! It has just stopped raining and I can see some sun outside the window. I guess I shall do some sightseeing now...
Kiedy prosilam Najlepsza Szefowa Pod Sloncem drzacym glosem o urlop (troche tak jakos nijako mi bylo prosic o mozliwosc wyjazdu, skoro dopiero wrocilam po trzech miesiacach w Azji...) to tylko powiedziala "ale dziecko, Dublin jest brzydki". Nie wiem... Jeszcze nie wyrobilam sobie na ten temat opinii. Poki co nie narzekam na nic poza zimnem. Okna w hostelu sa drewniane, olbrzymie i nieszczelne. Pod prysznicem jedna reka trzeba caly czas przyciskac guziczek od wody, zeby zechciala czleka uraczyc swym strumieniem dalekim jednak od goraca. Moze dlatego niemieckie panienki w lazience rano patrzyly na mnie jak na wariatke - ze oto dwa razy na dobe zamarzam tylko po to, zeby obmyc dupke...
Be_bronze ma szczescie musze Wam powiedziec. Na chybil trafil wybralam najtanszy hostel na stronie, z ktorej zawsze korzystam i... trafilam do chinskiej dzielnicy - zapewne dlatego na rogu jest "SKLEP SPOZYWCZY Assorti" z polskim zarciem... Ale reszta ulicy pachnie jak okolice Night Market w Hong Kongu. Wczoraj obiad jadlam w chinskim take away, a dzis podejrzewam, ze rusze odkrywac lokalne przysmaki w hong-konskiej knajpie niedaleko.
Ha! Przestalo padac, widac nawet troche slonca za oknem... Chyba pojde pozwiedzac... :D
I did not take a computer with me because... Because I was not supposed to wrtie, read or contact the world. But ovciously I am loving it when facebook is irritating me with it's suspicions that I am not myself and asks me why the hell I did login from an "unknown localisation"... Well, right - I have never been here before but still - since when I ask, "Dublin" is an "uknown localisation"? Since when - I ask again...
When I asked the Best Boss in the Universe for the vacations with my voice trembling (I felt kind of unsecure asking for another leave just right after I got back from three months trip to Asia...) she jus said "but my child, Dublin is ugly". I don't know. I have no opinion on that matter yet. So far I cannot complain for any other reason than cold. Windows in the hostel are wooden, huge and far from tight. While standing under the shower one needs to press the water button all the time to prevent the water from not flowing. And the water is also far - from being hot. Maybe that is the reason why German chicks in the bathroom this morning were looking at me like if I was some kind of a freak - because for the second time during one day I risked freezing to death just in order to wash my ass...
Be_bronze is lucky I have to tell you. On a chance I chose the cheapest hostel on the website I always use and... I landed in the middle of a Chineese district - with a Polish grocery shop in the corner... And the rest of the street smells like the surroundings of the Night Market in Hong Kong. Yesterday I had a dinner at the Chineese take away and today I guess I will discover local flavours in the Hong Kong bar just around the corner.
Oh! It has just stopped raining and I can see some sun outside the window. I guess I shall do some sightseeing now...
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